In August I will once again schedule my quarterly “VCIO” meetings. When you bring Aptica on board, I become your “virtual chief information officer.” I like to set both long term and short term goals, and I check over your hardware and your network to be sure that everything is functioning at the highest level. I also assess everything. If I can see that something will need to be replaced, then I’ll alert you so that you can budget for that. Forecasting the money part of your computer system is also a service Aptica feels is key to your overall profitability. Professional technical support services should be more than just responding to a crisis. Routine maintenance can prevent those blowups, and a little forethought can prevent down time. It’s no different than how you maintain your vehicles. When you need to go somewhere you want to get in your car and go. When you open your doors for business every day, you should also expect every element in your computer networks to respond. You won’t see me or my staff clock in every day like you do your employees, but we are monitoring your network 24/7 through our own systems-check software. Planning, Forethought. Appreciation of what you have budgeted for your network expenses. This is the top of the pyramid of services that we provide when you have Aptica LLC as your computer tech support. If you have questions, I’d love to answer them. Call me! Jason Newburg, owner. 260 243-5100, ext. 2001