Tough Conversations About Business Recovery

We are in a recession and we need to have some tough conversations about business recovery. Economists are saying it is the most significant recession since World War II, and this recession is different from anything the US has experienced before. Unlike previous downturns, this recession was not brought on by monetary policies, or oil prices, or the collapse of financial markets. For example, the Great Recession of 2007-2009 started from a subprime mortgage fiasco exacerbated by questionable lending practices. Our present situation is not financial or natural resource related. The collapse of the economy and the following unemployment rates hit like a tsunami, here and across the globe, and now we are reconstructing with what we have left.

What Does Recovery Look Like?

There are many viewpoints on what recovery looks like, no surprise. Some say a U-shaped recovery, with small upticks and downturns before the steady trend back up. Some say a V-shaped recovery, with a slam at the bottom then a fast trajectory back up. Who can accurately predict this? How does the enormous emotional toll of factor in, especially since this deadly disaster touches everyone? While I am aware of the whole panorama, I can only plan for myself and my clients here in my region.

How Good Are The Tools You Use The Most?

Despite how dependent on technology our world has become, understanding how it works and why it stops working is still a mystery to most consumers. I am often surprised to learn that business owners are not sure if their company computer network is their best friend or their worst enemy. When it is efficiently tracking supply chain transfers, it is an invention better than wheels. But if booting up in the morning takes 5 minutes, it is a calamity that eclipses expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Is your business IT a friend or a foe?

Don’t Let Fear, Uncertainty, And Doubt Paralyze You

I have come to understand that for so many business owners, the complexities of a computer network can be overwhelming. There is so much to know, it seems, and it changes constantly. I know that many owners dread talking to an IT management company because they don’t want to spend money right now and that’s what they expect to hear. They may not be happy with their current IT manager, and it’s possible that the current IT manager fears for his job and is not being open about the status of the company network. What is most important is that as the economy continues its cautious reopening, your company is firing on all cylinders and is set for production.

If you are not sure what you need for IT management, give us a call at Aptica. We always start with a conversation.

Jason Newburg, 260.243.5100, ext 2101, is the founder and owner of Aptica LLC. This IT management and support company has been serving small to medium-sized businesses for 17 years in the region that includes Angola, South Bend, and Fort Wayne, IN, Battle Creek, MI, and Toledo OH.

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