What Happened To Honesty As A Pillar Of Good Business?

I am proud of my small town, upper-midwestern upbringing. I grew up hearing “a man’s word is his bond.” I always took that to mean if you can’t deliver, then don’t promise it. A handshake was a good as a written contract. If you fail, you should recognize it and own it. Look for another way to succeed rather than lie about how things went wrong. Telling lies was right up there with stealing and vandalism. Lying showed lack of character. Since I live close to my parents and my in-laws, those teachings have not fallen away as I navigate through the current shark tank of local companies tied to global business networks. What happened to honesty as a pillar of good business?

In Which Business Is It Okay To Be Less Than Honest?

Help me think this through. I’m sensitive to the honesty issue because my chosen profession has always been under scrutiny. Information Technology is somewhat a monster under the bed for many business owners. We still struggle to make clear that computers are a necessary good rather than a necessary evil. I expect and encourage a grilling from our customers about what exactly it is that we do for them, month to month. IT can be rocket science, but it is also logical and understandable. I need to be believable right out of the chute when Aptica onboards a new business. I have not yet encountered a situation where I would have any license to lie about hardware, software, networks, cybersecurity, employee training, or costs. That’s my story and it is also Aptica’s brand promise. Honesty is our first benefit. Having made that righteous assertion, I’m scrolling through the names of people and businesses I work with. Would dishonesty from any of these guys be acceptable?

“Integrity” Is Often Advertised, But What Does That Mean?

Integrity can be defined as having strong moral principles based on honesty. Being truthful is regarded as the bedrock of integrity. Tell the truth, even if it is ugly. Then you are acknowledging that you are not deluding someone else, nor are you deluded yourself. It seems so simple, but I worry we have lost our way in our work communications. Little half-truths and big whoppers seem to come easier and easier. To me, that just postpones getting to the fix, you know?

Writing These Words Can Heighten Our Awareness

While I have been caught flat-footed because I was poorly prepared, I blush just thinking about the shame of being caught in an outright lie. In my region, I believe most people are like me. In the larger world, perhaps not so much. I’m grateful for what is, and hopeful for what could be. And I’m determined that Aptica, my company from owners to newest employees, will never be labeled as “take with a grain of salt.” Changing the world through transparency and with one honest commitment at a time.

If Information Technology is important to your business and you want to learn it and understand it, and trust those who manage and monitor yours, perhaps Aptica is a phone call you should make. We offer free—and honest—assessments of what you have and how we can help you. Give us a call. 260 243-5100. We are easy to talk to.

Jason Newburg, 260.243.5100, ext 2101, is the founder and owner of Aptica LLC. This IT management and support company has been serving small to medium-sized businesses for 19 years in the region that includes Angola, South Bend, and Fort Wayne, IN, Battle Creek, MI, and Toledo OH.


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