What Is Zero Trust Security Architecture?

Zero Trust Security Architecture

In August of 2021, Aptica announced that we would upgrade the cyber security defenses of the networks that we manage. There was no extra cost for this. This decision was in response to the growing number of breaches we had seen in the first half of the year. Zero trust security architecture is software that doesn’t just block known threats, it also prohibits anything from running that is not permitted. This prevents the use of both unapproved applications and malware disguised as legitimate software. Basically, all unknown software is denied unless it has been vetted and approved. When trust is given, granular policy controls are enforced to stop vulnerable applications from carrying out malicious behavior.

Prevention Is Still Our First Choice For Security

At this point in Aptica’s existence, we are old hands at system recovery. Our preference is to not have to go through any of that, though. Speedy recovery after a hack can get your business back up and running, but your losses will go on for many months after the breach. Any personal information about your clients and any proprietary information about your business is permanently stolen and sold, even if access to your system is restored to you. You may get your data back, but the bad guys have it too. You don’t get a ransom demand until after the invaders have copied all your data and fully mined that information. And paying a ransom will probably be only the first outlay of cash for you and your insurers. What can follow are lawsuits from other businesses and/or clients for damages caused by the breach. It makes my head hurt to contemplate those scenarios. I would rather spend my energy on weapons and tools to prevent such loss.

Be Suspicious. Be Sensible

Start each business day understanding that your enterprise could be randomly attacked. There are uncounted numbers of bad actors out there who spend their hours daily launching malware at businesses of all sizes and bank accounts. Even if you are small, some money is better than no money to hackers. At some time, some entity will attempt to break into your network and steal your data. There is no “maybe” about it anymore. Whether you are for-profit or for charity—your information offers a chance for free money to crooks all over the globe. They are unlikely to get caught. The money that comes from their theft will never be traced. Zealously guarding your assets every single day is a requirement in today’s high-tech environment.

Let Experts Educate You About Ever-Changing Cybersecurity

I have run the numbers for many business owners and outlined possible safety protocols for companies of all sizes and budgets. Yes—there is a cost to doing something right., There can also be a significant cost if you don’t. Start with a conversation with a professional IT person or IT management company. Keep asking questions until you find the company that inspires your trust. Once your network protection is being enforced, then you can go back to only losing sleep over your 401K plan. Aptica is an easy place to begin. We speak plain English. Call us. 260.243.5100.

Jason Newburg, 260.243.5100, ext 2101, is the founder and owner of Aptica LLC. This IT management and support company has been serving small to medium-sized businesses for 19 years in the region that includes Angola, South Bend, and Fort Wayne, IN, Battle Creek, MI, and Toledo OH.

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