There Is No “Check Engine” Light For Computers

There is no check engine light for computers
There is no “Check engine” light for computers

Technological advances in our automobiles have spoiled us. Early on there were just four gauges: gas, water temperature, oil pressure, and battery discharge. These four indicators were like a whole set of encyclopedias about the state of your ride back in the day. Compared to operating information available now, however, just having those four gauges seems laughable. For perspective, though, the all-important “check engine” light did not become standard until 1996. In just over 25 years, automobile diagnostics have progressed from “check engine” to screen after screen of operating analytics. Technology is like that across the board. One seminal breakthrough can expand capability exponentially. It’s too bad there is no “check engine” light for computers.

There Are Warning Signs Of Eminent Computer Problems

To continue with the car analogy, computer problems can be as sudden and acute as your car dying at a stoplight, or not starting in the garage. It’s more likely that computer failure symptoms are like your tires. New tires are responsive and reassuring, but over time, the driver will stop noticing. The miles add up, the tread wears off. Being out of balance can create additional wear patterns. The next thing you know, you are sliding all over the road in a rain or snowstorm. Modern cars have tire pressure warnings, but they can’t alert you to tread problems. The condition of your tires is just one more thing you have to pay attention to if you drive a car. The performance of your computers is also something you have to pay attention to if they are important to your productivity.

Symptoms To Watch For—And Ask All Your Users To Pay Attention Also

When do you lose that “new car” smell? When does your car’s A/C stop freezing you out on a hot day? Just like everything that ages with use, your computers can also show signs of impending problems. Some of the most common indications of a coming crash include:
– Sluggish performance of either hardware or software
– Frequent boot errors
– A loud system fan (indicates overheating)
– Some apps repeatedly fail, you start to get the blue screens of death
– Random file and program corruption

You have probably already heard about these symptoms, but in the everyday rush of getting things done, have you paid attention to speed or sound or recurring events?

So We Are Back To “Whose Job Is It To Pay Attention?”

And here I am again to say—that’s my job. Paying attention is Aptica’s job. We are technology specialists who enjoy the challenge of staying ahead of catastrophes. For your business not to miss a beat because of a computer crash, you need IT support that not only has your data backed up but can also predict when you might need it. Better than that, we can work with you to plan and budget for upgrades and replacements. Upgrades, equipment replacement, expansion—these are all healthy signs of a thriving business.

The Year Is Young And Your Goals Are Fresh

If you are thinking this is the year you jump to the next level, your #1 question must be: is everything ready for the push? Finally having all the right employees may not make the difference if you have no idea what shape their technology is in. I get that “everything appears to be in good working order,” but for how long? And do you have money in your budget for repairs and/or replacements? Wait—how do you even know what costs are for repairs and replacements? If this is going to be your big year, don’t take chances on your tech equipment. Aptica offers free assessments. We can tell you what you have and whether it will support where you want to go and in what timeframe. A good IT company like Aptica is the closest thing to a “check engine” light. Start by asking questions. We talk about technology in plain English, and we are fierce in our mission to support you. Call us. 260.243.5100.

Jason Newburg, 260.243.5100, ext 2101, is the founder and owner of Aptica LLC. This IT management and support company has been serving small to medium-sized businesses for 20 years in the region that includes Angola, South Bend, and Fort Wayne, IN, Battle Creek, MI, and Toledo OH.

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