Let Me Do The Job You Hired Me For

Things are fine? Stop right there ...

Here is a situation I’ll bet many of you have been in. A potential client calls you in. He wants to meet you and talk about what he is looking for in a goods or services supplier. He opens the meeting with 10 minutes of how carefully he has vetted you and your company. He only wants to work with the best, he asserts. Expertise and track record are his top two priorities. He outlines his company’s problems. Then he proceeds to tell you, step by step, how to fix them. Um—how about let me do the job you hired me for?

If You Already Know, Then You Don’t Need Me

I’ll say this again. Ordinary people usually don’t know how to fix computer problems. It’s all too complex, and it changes hourly, it seems. You are probably very good at your profession and that is why you are successful. So when you call in an IT management company because it’s time to upgrade and expand, why would that IT consultant expect you to have all the answers to your current issues? We come in wanting to learn what you have and what you need. We want to hear your vision for the future and your problems in the past and present. I am excited to be working with you. Let me do the job you hired me for.

Trust Is Key. Always Expect To Ask Questions And Get Clear Answers

Yes, do your homework on potential new suppliers. And yes, ask a lot of questions. Expect clear answers, no matter how long that takes to get there. Understand what you will be getting for your trust and your partnership. It’s an old-fashioned way of doing business, but it is still the preferred way to work with Aptica. Call and ask us about this. 260.243.5100.

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