Using Mobile Devices Includes More Than Just Willingness

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Okay, I’m back to the whole mobile devices thing. It’s a big deal these days. Employers are thrilled when their employees say they are willing to connect their smartphone or their tablet to the business network. Yes—it can keep some things from slipping through the cracks. Yes—it can create an opportunity for over-the-top customer service. The use of mobile devices has created some significant breakthroughs in different business segments. At Aptica, we know about that first hand. What we also know about at Aptica, your intense tech support partner, is that without the proper setup and monitoring, the use of mobile devices can open doors to potential evils you don’t ever want to know about. One unthinking click to open an attachment in an email from a long lost friend can send malware or ransomware into your business servers. What? But my personal email isn’t even about business, right? When you allow your employees to use their personal devices, there are precautions you need to install first. Aptica will set up mobile devices that protect your network servers from outside viruses, and we can monitor and track where potential viral attacks are coming from. Your business probably can’t afford to be shut down so that every work station can be wiped and reinstalled. Why even risk it? Give me a call and let me walk you through how Aptica’s mobile management can give you the best of using mobile devices without punishment from the worst of using mobile devices. Call me. 260.243.5100, x2001, Jason Newburg, owner.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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