When you own a business, you spend much of your time working on puzzles. Your ever-changing market can be a puzzle. Maximizing employee productivity can be a puzzle. Staying on the leading edge of your industry can be a puzzle, and sometimes just finding the leading edge of your industry is a puzzle. Part of […]
Your Business IT: Friend or Foe?
I am often surprised to learn that business owners aren’t sure if their company computer network is their friend or their worst enemy. When it’s efficiently tracking supply chain transfers, it’s an invention better than learning to use wheels. When booting up in the morning takes 5 minutes, it’s a calamity that eclipses our expulsion […]
Before The Internet
How well do we remember our lives before the internet? Before we had instant knowledge of everything just a few clicks away? Before we could hear driving directions as we motored through a new city or country? Before we could do stupid things because we didn’t know any better, and it wouldn’t come back to […]
Internet Privacy: What Google Knows
What don’t we google these days? I’m using the word as a verb (the action of looking something up) rather than the proper name of a company, with a capital “G”. We google how to fix our plumbing, restaurant reviews, where movies are playing, sports scores. Even if you can’t spell it right, Google can […]
Your Personal Information On The Internet
Celebrities and politicians seem to learn the hard way that, once personal information is on the internet, it stays there for eternity. Even for less-famous people like you and me, at this point in social media history, it’s possible to have some regrets about past public internet engagement. Hilarious photos from your senior prom that […]
Malware In A Flash: It’s A Thing
I don’t often get to discuss a subject ripped from today’s headlines, but malware in a flash drive is a security issue you should be aware of. So here’s a little warning. Recently a Chinese woman talked her way into Mar-A-Lago and was then arrested. On her person she had, among other odd things, a […]
Fun Facts About Better Business IT
The technology landscape today offers an overwhelming array of business improvement options. Safe to say it would be easy to buy new and better business IT products that might not interface effectively with technology you already have–unless you ask an IT expert. As your business grows, streamlining processes will improve company performance. Compatible technology can […]
Good IT Management Helps Preserve Profits
I was recently asked to explain how having excellent Information Technology will pay dividends. That’s a great question, even if the answer is not just one or two sentences. My short answer is that the right IT for your company will not necessarily create profit, but it can preserve profits. Proper IT, the technology that […]
What Is Technology Leverage?
You’re thinking, “I know I should know this!” Here’s a refresher. Broadly defined, technology leverage is when you can create increasing value, even with stable or shrinking resources, and increase your ability to evolve at a faster rate. For example, what if your technology allowed you to increase productivity without increasing payroll? Aptica’s brand promise […]
Don’t Settle When It’s Your Business Technology
“Don’t settle” is a hot topic for me. Often when I take on a new client, I can be surprised at what I see this business has been using for their IT. It can be obsolete hardware, outdated software, strange network configurations, poor security and data preservation techniques, and antiquated workflows. I see businesses working […]