We all recognize a “crash”. Your computers don’t come on at all, or your network suddenly stops working. You’re down. You can’t work. What will be the cost of this loss of productivity? A worse situation, I believe, is a technology slowdown. An almost imperceptible slow leak of IT reactivity like hardware that is slow […]
Face To Face Phishing: It’s Happening—Be Aware
The scenario happens this way. You answer the door and a guy (or a woman) is standing at your door, holding a laptop. They tell you that they have lost their cell phone, but that it has been traced to inside your residence. They ask if they can log on to your secured home network […]
7 Critical IT Advances—Are You There Yet?
When you outsource your company’s Information Technology, you should expect to bring on a skillful partner dedicated to helping your company succeed. This person is tasked with keeping you apprised of IT budget needs, of industry threat levels, of monthly productivity, and he or she should be in on your mid-year planning sessions about goals […]
Your Personal Information On The Internet
Celebrities and politicians seem to learn the hard way that, once personal information is on the internet, it stays there for eternity. Even for less-famous people like you and me, at this point in social media history, it’s possible to have some regrets about past public internet engagement. Hilarious photos from your senior prom that […]
What Is Technology Leverage?
You’re thinking, “I know I should know this!” Here’s a refresher. Broadly defined, technology leverage is when you can create increasing value, even with stable or shrinking resources, and increase your ability to evolve at a faster rate. For example, what if your technology allowed you to increase productivity without increasing payroll? Aptica’s brand promise […]
“The Cloud” Is Not A Yes Or No
How much does a business owner know about The Cloud? I’m finding that for most people, it’s a yes or no answer. “Yes, I’m in the Cloud,” or “No, I’m not in the Cloud.” As an IT professional, I wish it could be that simple! To borrow from Wikipedia, “Cloud computing is shared pools of […]
Wishing You Peace With Your IT In 2019
From all of us at Aptica, Happy New Year! For me, a new year always bring the promise of new friends, new opportunities, and inevitably—new challenges. As a local small business, we know we are farther down the road to our success goals, and as members of the community we are grateful for the opportunities […]
Your IT Services Should Include Cutting Edge Encryption Software
Great! you say. What the heck is that? you wonder. You’ve heard me say many times there are so many ways to hack these days. Well, there are also many ways to prevent losing your data, and that technology changes (because it has to) all the time. Knowing the latest and greatest encryption protections should […]
Protected and Productive? Inventory Your Information Technology System
I’m amazed it’s already the middle of July, but since I’m always the optimist, I know that I still have half a year to meet my business goals for Aptica LLC. I know for sure that I can’t lose any productivity, so I will inventory my assets to be sure I’m set for the next […]
What Is An “Endpoint”?
As you see on our website, our pricing is based on how many “endpoints” you have. At Aptica, we define an endpoint as a company-owned computer or mobile device that is active in your company network. Your desktop computers that get used all day every day are endpoints. Desktops or laptops at home or at […]